Foresters Life Insurance | Company Review

Established almost 150 years ago, Foresters Financial was created by the Independent Order of Foresters, a fraternal organization, that wanted to provide life insurance products for the average, hard-working families who were members of the Independent Order of Foresters.

Since its inception, Foresters Financial, which was originally led by Dr. Oronhyatekha, has operated under its mission to be a purpose-driven culture. The organization demonstrated its purpose early on by providing emergency assistance for its members and policyholders after the great San Francisco earthquake in 1907.

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Foresters Financial Product Portfolio

Term Life Insurance

Your Term

Foresters offers Your Term as its low-cost term life insurance offering. The company offers policy terms of 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years. The term policies offer level premiums that cannot be increased by the company and a guaranteed death benefit that can’t be canceled for any reason other than non-payment.

Your Foresters Your Term policy can also be customized to meet your needs by way of several optional riders that can be added to broaden your coverage and add living benefits.

All of Foresters’ term policies are renewable and can be converted to a permanent policy like whole life or universal life without having to provide proof of insurability.

We have found Foresters always in the top 10 companies with the lowest-cost term life insurance.

Strong Foundation Term

Foresters offers this level term coverage without a medical exam requirement. The company offers coverage benefits of $50,000 up to $400,000.

Since this is no-exam underwriting, the application process is streamlined so policies can issue in as little as 48 hours. Although there is no medical exam required, there are medical questions on the application that must be answered truthfully and thoroughly.

There are many life insurance options to choose from when it comes to the financial security you need. Foresters Strong Foundation Level Term Life Insurance is renewable and convertible. If a more permanent life insurance coverage is what better meets your needs, you can convert it to a permanent policy without having to go through the whole application process again.

Whole Life Insurance

PlanRight Whole Life Insurance

Foresters Plan Right whole life insurance product is marketed to seniors who may be in need of insurance to cover final expenses like a funeral or burial so they are not passed on to surviving loved ones.

The Plan Right whole life insurance product comes in three different choices depending on your health:

  1. PlanRight Preferred – Foresters’ preferred plan comes with a level death benefit of up to $35,000 (depending on your age) and has the lowest rates of the three plans offered.
  2. PlanRight Standard – the standard plan is available to individuals who do not medically qualify for the preferred plan and offers face amounts of up to $20,000.
  3. PlanRight Basic – the basic plan is offered to applicants who can’t qualify for the preferred or standard plan and offers face amounts of up to $15,000. This is a graded-benefit plan with no medical underwriting so a 2-year waiting period applies before the company will pay the full death benefit if the insured dies from natural causes.

All of Foresters’ PlanRight Plans build cash value which can be accessed via policy loans or withdrawals, and there are several riders available as well.

Advantage Plus II Whole Life Insurance

The Foresters Advantage Plus II Life Insurance offers financial protection and care for your loved ones.

This whole life plan offers a level death benefit, level premiums, and cash values that are guaranteed for your lifetime. Since Advantage Plus II is a participating policy, the policyholder is entitled to a portion of the dividends paid by the insurance company.

You can receive your dividends as paid-up life insurance, have them deposited in your cash value account to earn interest, paid toward future insurance premiums, or take them in cash.

BrightFuture Children's Whole Life Insurance

BrightFuture by Foresters Financial™ is whole life insurance designed specifically for children under the age of 18. With it, you can provide the children or grandchildren you love with the protection of life insurance, plus some additional peace of mind, knowing that their futures are secure.

Just like traditional whole life insurance, BrightFuture Children’s whole life insurance comes with several important benefits:

  • You can guarantee the child’s future insurability at a very low cost.
  • It comes with a Guaranteed Insurability Rider that allows them to increase their coverage amount at specific times in the future without proof of insurability.
  • As the policyowner, you can transfer ownership to your child or grandchild at any age or time you feel is appropriate. Doing so will also transfer the cash value of the policy to your child or grandchild.

Universal Life Insurance

Foresters SMART Universal Life Insurance is a flexible life insurance policy designed to meet the financial needs of an individual or family but is flexible enough to change to accommodate life events.

The Smart Universal Life Insurance policy is the perfect way to save money for the future and earn more interest than what banks are willing to pay. Part of your monthly premium is used to purchase the death benefit while the balance is put in the cash-value account where it will earn a minimum interest rate over time.

Your cash value account is similar to an overperforming savings account and can be accessed for any reason and then repaid on your schedule, not the banks.

Foresters Life Insurance Pros and Cons

As with any life insurance company, there are pros and cons that must be weighed against each other before making a final purchase decision:



  • Plenty of Riders to boost your coverage
  • Policyholders can access fraternal benefits
  • Competitive in the marketplace
  • Outstanding customer and claims service
  • A comprehensive selection of insurance products
  • Term policies are convertible



  • No online application
  • Agent must be involved
  • Mail-in claims only

The Bottom Line

For more information about Foresters Financial, please contact us at 868-866-0099 or contact us through our website.

Term Life Insurance

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