Funeral and Burial Insurance

Find the Most Affordable Rates on Funeral and Burial Insurance

Funeral insurance has become an increasingly essential aspect of financial planning in today’s society. As we age, it’s crucial to consider the financial implications our passing may have on our loved ones.

Funeral Insurance policies are most popular for individuals between 50 and 80 who wish to make certain that their final expense costs will not be passed on to surviving loved ones.

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Understanding a Funeral Policy

Funeral insurance, also known as final expense insurance or a burial insurance policy, is a specialized life insurance policy designed to cover the expenses associated with one’s funeral costs, burial costs, cremation, and other outstanding debt like credit card debt. It offers a practical solution to ensure that the financial burden of funeral expenses does not fall on grieving family members. Unlike other types of insurance, funeral insurance is specifically tailored to address the unique financial burdens that arise upon a person’s demise.

The policyholder pays regular premiums to the insurance provider, and upon their passing, the policy’s designated beneficiaries receive a lump sum or predetermined payout to cover final expenses. This payout can be used to pay for various funeral-related costs, such as the casket, burial or cremation fees, transportation, memorial services, and even outstanding medical bills.

The Cost of Funerals, Burials, and Cremation

Funeral costs have been steadily rising over the years, often surpassing the expectations of many families. In recent times, the median cost or average cost of a funeral can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on various factors such as the location, type of service, and additional expenses involved. Additionally, many people have not considered the costs of burial plots in today’s economy.Without proper planning or financial coverage, families can find themselves burdened with significant expenses during an already emotionally challenging time.

Consider a scenario where a loved one unexpectedly passes away without life insurance. The family is left scrambling to cover funeral costs, which can quickly accumulate. They may have to rely on personal savings, take out loans, or ask for financial assistance from relatives and friends. The strain of these financial burdens can add additional stress and emotional hardship during an already difficult period.

By having funeral insurance or a burial insurance policy in place, individuals can spare their loved ones from the financial strain of covering funeral expenses. It provides a safety net that ensures a dignified farewell without placing an unnecessary financial burden on family members.

In today’s economy, the average cost of funeral services are as follows:

  • Funeral Costs: $7,800
  • Burial Costs: $200 – $2,000 (public cemetery)
  • Cremation Costs: $800 – $3,000

Key Features and Coverage Options of Funeral Insurance Plans

Funeral insurance policies come in various forms, offering flexibility to meet individual needs. Coverage amounts can vary based on the policy type and the premiums paid. It’s crucial to carefully review the policy’s terms and conditions to understand the specific coverage details, payout structure, and any potential limitations or exclusions.

Factors that can affect the premiums and coverage amounts include the policyholder’s age, health condition, and the desired level of coverage. Generally, the younger and healthier the individual, the lower the premiums and the higher the coverage amount they may be eligible for.

It’s important to note that funeral insurance typically does not require a medical exam and there are only a few health questions making it accessible to individuals with pre-existing health conditions or older adults who may face difficulties obtaining a traditional life policy. Moreover, even though a term life policy may be cheaper, most companies require a minimum death benefit of $50,000 to $100,000.

Choosing the Right Funeral Insurance

Selecting the appropriate funeral insurance requires careful consideration of personal circumstances and budget constraints. The first step is to assess your specific needs and budgetary limits. Consider factors such as your desired level of coverage, the estimated cost of funeral expenses in your area, and the financial resources available to you.

Next, compare policies and providers to ensure you make an informed decision. Look for reputable insurance companies with a solid track record in the funeral insurance market. Evaluate the policy’s terms and conditions regarding the life insurance payout, including any waiting periods before coverage takes effect, payout structures, and potential exclusions. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings to gauge the overall customer experience and satisfaction with the insurance provider.

Seeking advice from a licensed insurance agent who specializes in funeral insurance can also be beneficial. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and help you navigate the available options.

Common Misconceptions about Funeral Insurance

Funeral insurance is surrounded by various myths and misconceptions that can hinder individuals from making informed decisions. Let’s address some of the most common ones and clarify the facts:

Myth 1: “I’m too old to get funeral insurance.” Age should not be a barrier to obtaining funeral insurance. Many insurance providers offer policies without age restrictions, ensuring that older adults can still secure coverage.

Myth 2: “I have pre-existing health conditions, so I won’t be eligible.” Funeral insurance or final expense insurance does not require a medical exam. Therefore, individuals with pre-existing health conditions can still obtain coverage, albeit with some limitations.

Myth 3: “Funeral insurance is too expensive.” Funeral insurance policies can be affordable, especially when purchased at a younger age. Premiums are typically based on factors such as age, health condition, and the desired coverage amount, allowing individuals to find policies that fit their budget.

Myth 4: Funeral insurance policies take more than two years” before a life insurance payout is available.

By dispelling these misconceptions, individuals can make informed decisions about funeral insurance and understand how it can be a valuable asset in protecting their loved one’s financial future.

The Application and Claim Process

Navigating the application and claim process smoothly is crucial to ensure a seamless experience for policyholders and their families. When applying for funeral insurance, be prepared to provide accurate information about your personal details, medical history, and any other relevant information requested by the insurance provider.

After the policy is in effect, it’s essential to inform your designated beneficiaries about the existence of the policy and its location. This information will ensure they can access the necessary documentation and initiate the claim process promptly.

In the event of a policyholder’s passing, the beneficiaries should contact the insurance provider to initiate the claim. The insurer will guide them through the necessary steps and documentation required to process the claim and receive the payout. Common documents required for the claim process include the policyholder’s death certificate, proof of identity, and any other supporting documents outlined in the policy.

By understanding the application and claim process, policyholders can proactively communicate and educate their beneficiaries, ensuring a smooth and efficient claim experience during a challenging time.

Advantages and Limitations of Funeral and Burial Insurance

Funeral insurance offers several advantages. As a permanent life insurance policy it provides peace of mind and financial protection for policyholders and their families. Here are some key benefits to consider:

  1. Financial Security: Since Funeral insurance is permanent insurance it ensures that funeral expenses are covered, alleviating the financial burden on grieving family members.
  2. Ease of Qualification: Funeral insurance typically does not require a life insurance medical exam, making it accessible to individuals with pre-existing health conditions or older adults who may face difficulties obtaining traditional life insurance policies.
  3. Fixed Premiums: Funeral insurance policies offer fixed premiums, providing predictable and manageable payment schedules and the peace of knowing that your premiums will never increase.
  4. No Restrictions on Use: The payout from funeral insurance can be used to cover funeral expenses, outstanding medical bills, or any other purpose as deemed necessary by the beneficiaries.

Despite its advantages, funeral insurance also has some limitations and potential drawbacks. For instance:

  1. Limited Payout: Funeral insurance policies may have coverage limits, and the payout may not fully cover all funeral expenses in some cases.
  2. Potential Waiting Periods: Some policies may have waiting periods before full coverage takes effect. Policyholders should review these waiting periods to understand when the coverage becomes active.
  1. Inflation Considerations: While some policies may adjust the benefit amount over time to keep pace with inflation, others may not. Policyholders should consider the potential impact of inflation on future funeral expenses and ensure that their coverage adequately accounts for this factor.

Alternatives to a Funeral Insurance Policy

While funeral insurance is a viable option for many, it may not be suitable for everyone. It’s essential to explore alternative options for funeral planning and funding to determine the best approach that aligns with individual preferences and circumstances.

One alternative option is pre-need insurance which is a prepaid funeral plan that can be purchased from a funeral service providers. These plans allow individuals to prepay for their funeral and burial services directly with a funeral home or provider. The advantage of pre-need insurance is that they lock in current prices and relieve family members of financial burdens after the individual’s passing. However, it’s important to carefully review the terms and conditions of prepaid plans and consider factors such as transferability if relocation occurs.

Another alternative is setting up a savings account specifically designated for funeral expenses. By regularly contributing to this account, individuals can accumulate funds over time to cover future funeral costs. While this approach provides flexibility and control over the funds, it’s important to ensure that the account remains separate from other savings and is earmarked solely for funeral expenses.

How Much Does Funeral Insurance Cost?

As was mentioned earlier, your rates for a funeral insurance plan will be based on several factors:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Health
  • Death Benefit
  • Type of policy (traditional, graded benefit, guaranteed issue)

The chart below indicates the monthly premium for a male and female non-smoker in average health. The death benefit quoted is $25,000:

Age Male Non-SmokerFemale Non-Smoker

For accurate quotes for your actual age, please click on our Final Expense Comparative rater or call us during business hours at 866-868-0099. Fortunately, since funeral insurance has become very popular, funeral insurance companies are very competitive and prices are more affordable than ever before.

What if I Don’t Medically Qualify for a Final Expense Policy?

The good news about final expense life insurance is that for applicants who do not qualify for traditional rates because of severe or multiple health problems, many life insurance companies offer Graded Benefit or Guaranteed Issue (guaranteed acceptance) policies.

Graded Benefit Funeral Insurance

Graded benefit funeral insurance, also known as graded death benefit or modified benefit funeral insurance, is a type of funeral insurance policy that is designed to accommodate individuals who may not qualify for traditional life insurance policies due to certain health conditions or higher risk factors. This type of policy offers a modified benefit structure during the initial years of coverage.

With graded benefit funeral insurance, the full death benefit is not immediately available upon the insured’s passing. Instead, the policy typically includes a graded payout structure that increases over time. This means that if the policyholder were to pass away within the first few years of the policy, the beneficiaries would receive a reduced payout, often a percentage of the total death benefit.

The specific payout structure and duration of the graded benefit period can vary between insurance providers and policies. Generally, the payout increases gradually each year until it reaches the full death benefit amount after a specified period, typically two to three years. After the graded benefit period, the policy typically provides the full death benefit to the beneficiaries if the insured were to pass away.

It’s important to note, however, that most insurance companies will pay the full death benefit from the first day of coverage if the insured dies as a result of accidental death.

Guaranteed Issue Funeral Insurance

Guaranteed Issue funeral insurance, also known as guaranteed acceptance funeral insurance, is a type of funeral insurance policy that guarantees coverage to individuals regardless of their health condition or medical history. Unlike traditional life insurance policies, which often require medical exams or health underwriting, guaranteed-issue funeral insurance is designed to provide coverage without any medical questions or health assessments.

A typical guaranteed issue funeral policy has a two-year waiting period before the insurance company would pay the full death benefit if the insured dies from natural causes. The death benefit during the waiting period is the sum of all premiums paid to the insurance company plus an additional 10 percent.

The waiting period is applied to offset the risk the insurance company is taking by offering life insurance to an applicant with unknown medical risk. If, however, the insured dies as a result of a covered accidental death, the insurance company will pay the full death benefit from the first day of coverage.


Planning for one’s funeral may seem daunting, but it is a responsible and compassionate step toward protecting the financial well-being of loved ones. Funeral insurance offers peace of mind and ensures that the financial burden of end-of-life expenses does not fall on those left behind. By understanding the benefits, features, and considerations associated with funeral insurance, individuals between the ages of 50 and 80 can make informed decisions that safeguard their families financial future. Although funeral insurance is not going to provide income replacement, it will make certain that your funeral and burial costs will not be left for surviving loved ones to cover.

Take proactive steps today to secure funeral coverage and provide your loved ones with the support they deserve during a difficult time. Whether through funeral insurance, prepaid funeral plans, or designated savings accounts, ensure that your end-of-life expenses are adequately planned for. By doing so, you can find solace in knowing that your loved ones will be spared the financial strain and can focus on honoring your memory and celebrating your life.

We encourage you to call an experienced and reputable life insurance agent at at 866-868-0099 during normal business hours or contact us through our website at your convenience or click on our comparative rater below for life insurance quotes today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get funeral insurance if I have pre-existing health conditions?

Yes, you can still obtain funeral insurance even if you have pre-existing health conditions. Unlike many traditional life insurance policies, funeral insurance typically does not require a medical exam. This accessibility allows individuals with pre-existing health conditions to obtain coverage, although some limitations or exclusions may apply. It’s important to review the policy terms and conditions to understand any restrictions related to pre-existing conditions.

Can funeral insurance be used for other purposes besides funeral expenses?

Yes, the funeral insurance payout can be used for various purposes besides funeral expenses. While the primary purpose is to cover funeral costs, the payout is generally given to the designated beneficiaries who have the flexibility to allocate the funds as they see fit. It can be used to pay outstanding medical bills, settle debts, or address any other financial obligations the beneficiaries deem necessary.

Are there waiting periods before funeral insurance coverage takes effect?

Some funeral insurance policies may have waiting periods before full coverage takes effect. Waiting periods are typically defined as a specific period after the policy is issued during which limited benefits or partial coverage may be provided. Waiting periods can vary between insurance providers and policies.

How are premiums determined for funeral insurance?

Premiums for funeral insurance are determined based on various factors. These factors often include the policyholder’s age, health condition, desired coverage amount, and the chosen policy type. Generally, younger and healthier individuals may qualify for lower premiums. It’s important to compare quotes from different insurance providers to find a policy that fits your budget while offering the desired coverage.

What type of life insurance is used for funeral insurance?

Any type of life insurance can be used to fund your funeral insurance policy but in almost every case, whole life insurance is the better choice.

Can term life insurance be used for funeral insurance?

Yes, term insurance can be used as funeral insurance but be advised that term insurance is temporary and most companies require that you purchase $50,000 to $100,000 in coverage.

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Richard Reich
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