Life Insurance Blog

About us

In 2003, two respected life insurance veterans, with over 50 years of combined experience in the insurance industry, decided to share that knowledge through the Internet and so they created the® full-service life insurance website . …

Resident Physician Disability Insurance

Protect Your Income with Disability Insurance Get Free and Confidential Plan Comparisons GET QUOTE NOW! In the complex world of medical practice, resident physicians often overlook a crucial aspect of their financial security—resident physician …

Disability Insurance for Business Owners & Executives

PROTECT YOUR INCOME Get Answers to Your Disability Insurance Questions and Get Your Free Quote Today! GET QUOTE NOW! There are several compelling reasons to secure personal disability insurance to safeguard your earnings should you become …

Disability Insurance FAQs

DISABILITY INSURANCE FAQs Get Answers to Your Disability Insurance Questions and Get Your Free Quote Today! GET QUOTE NOW! Our most popular Disability Insurance FAQs These are the most frequently asked questions we get asked about disability …

Comparing Life Insurance Rates

Life insurance serves as a financial safety net, safeguarding your loved ones from financial burdens in the event of your passing. This crucial investment provides peace of mind knowing that your family won’t have to struggle financially during …

Is there an Age Limit for Life Insurance?

Final Expense Insurance Get Final Expense insurance quotes in just a few clicks. No personal information required Get Quotes They say that age is nothing but a number, but for those looking to purchase life insurance, age can become a determining …

The Top 10 Reasons People don’t have Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance Quotes Get term life insurance quotes in just a few clicks. No personal information required Get Quotes In today’s unpredictable world, life insurance stands as a cornerstone of financial security and peace of mind. Despite …

Can a Minor be a Beneficiary?

Term Life Insurance Quotes Get term life insurance quotes in just a few clicks. No personal information required Get Quotes Because we write a lot of life insurance for families with young children, this question comes up frequently. As you have …

Annual Life Insurance Policy Review

Request Quote Comparisons What did you do with your life insurance policy when you received it? If you’re like most people, you probably gave it a quick review and filed it with your other valuable documents. Also, if you’re like most …

19 Things about Death You Probably Didn’t Know

Term Life Insurance Quotes Get term life insurance quotes in just a few clicks. No personal information required Get Quotes After being decapitated, the average person remains conscious for an additional 15-20 seconds. Talk about a way to go. …