Height and Weight Guidelines for Life Insurance

Height and weight underwriting guidelines are important factors that life insurance companies use to help determine your rate class. These are guidelines and may differ among life insurance companies.

The table is fairly generic but gives a general idea of the allowable maximums for the best life insurance rate classes from most companies (if your weight exceeds the maximum shown here, use Standard rates in calculating your quotes to get an idea.

Male & Female

Height and Maximum Weight in Pounds

Pref PlusPreferredStand PlusStandard
Feet – InchesLow – HighLow – HighLow – HighLow – High
4 – 10
89 – 134135 – 144145 – 155182 – 196
4 – 1192 – 139140 – 149150 – 160 161 – 188
5 – 095 – 144145 – 154155 – 166167 – 194
5 – 198 – 149150 – 159160 – 171172 – 201
5 – 2101 – 153154 – 164165 – 177178 – 207
5 – 3104 – 158159 – 170171 – 183184 – 214
5 – 4108 – 164165 – 175176 – 188189 – 221
5 – 5111 – 169170 – 181182 – 194195 – 228
5 – 6115 – 174175 – 186187 – 200201 – 235
5 – 7118 – 179180 – 192193 – 207208 – 242
5 – 8122 – 185186 – 198199 – 213214 – 249
5 – 9125 – 190191 – 204205 – 219220 – 257
5 – 10129 – 196197 – 210211 – 225226 – 264
5 – 11133 – 201202 – 216217 – 232233 – 272
6 – 0136 – 207208 – 222223 – 239240 – 279
6 – 1140 – 213214 – 228229 – 245246 – 287
6 – 2144 – 219220 – 234235 – 252253 – 295
6 – 3148 – 225226 – 241 242 – 259260 – 303
6 – 4152 – 231232 – 247248 – 266267 – 311
6 – 5156 – 237238 – 254255 – 273274 – 320
6 – 6160 – 243244 – 260261 – 280281 – 328
6 – 7164 – 249250 – 267268 – 287288 – 336
6 – 8168 – 256257 – 274275 – 295296 – 345
6 – 9173 – 262263 – 281282 – 302303 – 354
6 – 10177 – 268269 – 288289 – 309310 – 363
6 – 11181 – 275276 – 295296 – 317318 – 371

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Richard Reich
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